French for Beginners - Phrasal Verbs

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French for Beginners - Phrasal Verbs
Bonjour! Today we'll learn about phrasal verbs in French. Let's get started!
abattue sur – to strike down on / to bring down on
The phrase "abattre sur" in French typically means "to strike down on" or "to bring down on." Here’s an example sentence:
"Une violente tempête s'est abattue sur la côte, causant de nombreux dégâts."
"A violent storm struck down on the coast, causing significant damage."
accuser de – to accuse of
The phrase "accuser de" in French means "to accuse of" or "to charge with."
Here’s an example sentence:
"Il a été accusé de vol après que les preuves ont été présentées."
"He was accused of theft after the evidence was presented."
acheter pour – to buy for
The phrase "acheter pour" in French means "to buy for" or "to purchase for.”
Here’s an example sentence:
"J'ai acheté des fleurs pour ma mère."
"I bought flowers for my mother."
admettre à – to admit to
The phrase "admettre à" in French means "to admit to" or "to grant admission to”.
Here’s an example sentence:
"Elle a été admise à l'université après avoir réussi ses examens."
"She was admitted to the university after passing her exams."

aller chercher – to go get
Here’s an example sentence using aller chercher:
Elle est allée chercher du pain à la boulangerie ce matin.
Translation: "She went to get some bread at the bakery this morning."

aller à – to go to
Here’s an example sentence using aller à:
Nous allons à la plage ce week-end.
Translation: "We are going to the beach this weekend."
apporter à – to bring to
Here’s an example sentence using apporter à:
Peux-tu apporter ce livre à ton ami demain ?
Translation: "Can you bring this book to your friend tomorrow?"
appuyer sur – to press on
Here’s an example sentence using appuyer sur:
N'oublie pas d'appuyer sur le bouton pour allumer la lumière.
Translation: "Don't forget to press the button to turn on the light."
arrêter de – to stop (doing something)
Here’s an example sentence using arrêter de:
Il a décidé d'arrêter de fumer pour sa santé.
Translation: "He decided to stop smoking for his health."
arriver à – to arrive at
Nous sommes arrivés à Paris hier soir.
We arrived in Paris last night.
assister à – to attend
The phrase assister à means "to attend" or "to be present at" something, such as an event, meeting, or performance.
Here’s an example sentence:
Nous allons assister à un concert ce soir.
Translation: "We are going to attend a concert tonight."
attendre de – to wait for
The phrase attendre de means "to expect" or "to wait for" something. It is often followed by an infinitive verb or a noun to specify what is expected or awaited.
Here’s an example sentence:
J'attends de recevoir une réponse à ma demande.
Translation: "I am waiting to receive a response to my request."
avertir de – to warn about
The phrase avertir de means "to warn about" or "to inform about" something. It is used to notify someone of a potential issue or to give advance notice of something.
Here’s an example sentence:
Le professeur a averti les étudiants de l'importance de préparer leur exposé à l'avance.
Translation: "The professor warned the students about the importance of preparing their presentation in advance."
avoir besoin de – to need
The phrase avoir besoin de means "to need" something. It is used to express that something is necessary or required.
Here’s an example sentence:
J'ai besoin de plus de temps pour terminer ce projet.
Translation: "I need more time to finish this project."
avoir envie de – to feel like
The phrase avoir envie de means "to feel like" or "to have a desire for" something. It is used to express a wish or craving for something.
Here’s an example sentence:
J’ai envie de chocolat après le dîner.
Translation: "I feel like having some chocolate after dinner."
avoir peur de – to be afraid of
The phrase avoir peur de means "to be afraid of" or "to be scared of" something. It is used to express fear or anxiety about a particular thing or situation.
Here’s an example sentence:
Elle a peur des araignées.
Translation: "She is afraid of spiders."
avoir l'air de – to seem like
The phrase avoir l'air de means "to look like" or "to seem like" something. It is used to describe someone's appearance or the impression they give off.
Here’s an example sentence:
Il a l'air de quelqu'un qui sait ce qu'il fait.
Translation: "He looks like someone who knows what he's doing."



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