Leadership and the Johari Window - Part 1: The basics of a powerful conversation

Описание к видео Leadership and the Johari Window - Part 1: The basics of a powerful conversation

A critical aspect of leadership is the ability to have great conversations with your team. Another way I share it is . . . Honest Conversations, leading to Thoughtful Action, and Improved Performance. This is the first video in a series, an introduction to the Johari Window and tips leaders can use to have more effective conversations.

The Johari Window is a tool that can provide a lens for leaders to view their conversations. This is a piece of a leadership development course to equip leaders to have effective one on one conversations with their teams.

If you find value in this video subscribe to my channel so you get notified of any new content I share. My goal is to share 1-2 new videos every month to support leaders in their journey to mastery. #leadership #eos #leadershipskills #listening_skills #lma #linkedinvideo


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