2016-02: 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport 3.0L timing tensioner failure noise.

Описание к видео 2016-02: 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport 3.0L timing tensioner failure noise.

So the Sport got really loud this morning. This noise has been intermitant and normally goes away after a minute or 2.

Originally we had this noise when we found our timing tensioner wearing thru the timing cover. The timing cover was damaged when one of the techs left bolts loose on the timing tensioner and other accessories after replacing the water pump. The tensioner moved and rubbed a hole in the plastic timing cover. The crank pulley also came loose and caused some damage.

The shop made it right and replaced the damaged items. I expressed my concern at the time about possible damage to the tensioner that had worn thru the cover. The shop said it looked fine and did not need replacing. Soon after their repair the noise showed up intermittantly.

Today it was no longer intermitant and no longer went away. I suspect there was bearing damage to the tensioner or its ability to hold tension had been compromised. I fear to even drive it the 5 minutes to the shop. The noise is more intense in person. It seems to be on the passenger side quite close to the tensioner location. It's quite loud by the crank pulley which it is quite close to.

I pray my guess is correct and that the shop warranties the job since, if the tensioner failed, it was due to being left loose and wearing against the timing cover. I plan to have it towed to them in the morning.


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