快傑のうてんき (Kaiketsu no Tenki) - DAICON FILM [HQ VHS rip]

Описание к видео 快傑のうてんき (Kaiketsu no Tenki) - DAICON FILM [HQ VHS rip]

jp:「快傑のうてんき」 ―危うし少女、メカケの恐怖―
en: Kaiketsu no Tenki - Ayaushi shôjo, mekake no kyôfu

Completed in August 1982

from my "DAICON III & IV Opening Animation" tape

さすらいのさなかに立ち寄ったとある町で、早川はヤクザにからまれていた姉弟を助ける。姉の名前はユリ、弟の名前は太郎。ユリをメカケにしようとする市会議員・黒川(実はバッカーの幹部M)の嫌がらせだった。ユリを手に入れるため、新たにヤクザの沢村と刃物使いの用心棒”ヤッパのジョー”を差し向ける黒川。早川は彼女を守るためにジョーと対決し、「ナイフ投げ勝負」で見事に勝利する。しかしその直後、早川は沢村とその手下たちの銃弾に倒れ、ユリは男たちに連れ去られてしまう。彼女はこのまま黒川のメカケにされてしまうのか? 危うし、ユリ!

en: Ken Hayakawa, a wandering private detective, has a past where his best friend, Goro Asuka, was murdered by the evil organization, Bakker. Today, he continues to wander in search of Asuka's murderer.
In the middle of his wanderings, Hayakawa stops by a town and saves a sister and brother from being bullied by yakuza. The sister's name is Yuri and the brother's name is Taro. They are being harassed by Kurokawa, an alderman (actually M, an executive of the Backers), who wants to make Yuri a mechake. In order to get Yuri, Kurokawa sends a new yakuza, Sawamura, and his knife-wielding bouncer, "Yappa no Joe. In order to protect her, Hayakawa confronts Joe and wins the "knife throwing contest". But soon after, Hayakawa is hit by a bullet from Sawamura and his men, and Yuri is taken away by the men. Is she going to be turned into Kurokawa's mecha? Danger, Yuri!
At that moment, with the sound of a motorcycle explosion, a hero in a peach-colored suit appears!

source: http://www.gainax.co.jp/wp/tag/%E3%83...


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