Healthy Ice Cream Bon Bons With Dr. Fuhrman’s Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream! Vegan WFPB, Sugar/Oil Free

Описание к видео Healthy Ice Cream Bon Bons With Dr. Fuhrman’s Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream! Vegan WFPB, Sugar/Oil Free

Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream Bon Bons (Vegan, No Sugar, Clean eating, Unprocessed, Whole Plant Food)

Eat To Live Cookbook By Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. -

Bon Bon Silicone Mold:

100% Unsweetened Cacoa Wafers:

Paint Brushes:


INGREDIENTS – Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream (from Dr. Furhman’s Eat To Live Cookbook) My slightly modified version is below:
½ cup almond milk
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
4 large pitted Medjool dates
1 ½ cups dark sweet cherries, frozen
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

INGREDIENTS - Chocolate Bon Bon Outer Shell:
100% unsweetened cacao beans/chips

Silicone mold for bon bons
Unused small paint brush
Food thermometer if you are tempering your chocolate (optional)
Paper cups for chocolate (optional)

1) Make the chocolate cherry ice cream first by blending all ingredients except the unsweetened cocoa chips in a high speed blender until creamy. Scoop ice cream into a freezer-safe bowl and keep in freezer until ready to use.
2) Melt your chocolate whatever way is easiest for you, OR temper your chocolate so that it is glossy, smooth and has a nice crack when you bite into it. To temper dark chocolate use a double boiler, OR a microwave. Both methods require the same process, which is the following: Melt 2/3 of your total chocolate you will use in the microwave or in a double boiler until melted. If using a microwave periodically remove the chocolate from the microwave to stir. The chocolate must not exceed 113 degrees Fahrenheit (use a food thermometer). Add the remaining 1/3 of your unmelted chocolate with the melted chocolate, and stir until all pieces are melted, and the temperature of the chocolate has reduced to 89 degrees Fahrenheit. Be patient as this can take about 15 minutes. Once at 89 degrees the chocolate is now tempered (aka “in working temperature”) and ready for your mold.
3) Pour about a teaspoon of melted chocolate into each cavity of your mold, and using your brush, swipe up from the bottom moving up to the top edge of the mold. Make sure the entire inside of the cavity is covered in chocolate. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes.
4) After 15 min take chocolate mold and ice cream out of the freezer, and add a small scoop of ice cream on top of the hardened chocolate inside each mold. Use the back of a spoon to ensure it is flat. Don’t fill to the top, but just under the top edge so that there is enough room to add the top chocolate layer.
5) Before your ice cream melts, quickly add your top chocolate layer on top of the ice cream and smoothen to make flat. Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight.
6) After 4 hours (or overnight) remove the bon bons from the mold by using thumb or pointer finger to put pressure and push up on the bottom of the mold to gently pop out chocolates. Place chocolate ice cream bon bons in paper cups, or on a pretty tray. Store in the freezer when not eating. Enjoy!!

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