The Power of Weeds’ Roots & The Importance of Pruning

Описание к видео The Power of Weeds’ Roots & The Importance of Pruning

Pruning is so necessary to maintain healthy plants and optimal food production. Sometimes, if neglected, you have to actually remove full grown healthy branches to get everything back to a manageable level.

As I was removing these branches, one by one, I wondered what areas of my life I’ve been neglecting to prune. My time spent on social media has no doubt been fruitful, but could I have had fewer blossoms that received more nourishment, yielding healthier fruit? Did I have too many shoots going in opposite directions?

Whatever yesterday held, today is looking different. I am intentionally keeping certain aspects of my time on my phone to be spent in a particular way, and the rest? Cut off to be burned or hauled away- never to be seen again.

These branches will die, but their roots remain to grow in a new direction. I hope you find what needs pruning in your life today as well ❤️


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