Tutorial 13 : concept of docker swarm ? step by step

Описание к видео Tutorial 13 : concept of docker swarm ? step by step

In this session we have discussed the concept of docker swarm.
what is docker swarm ??
A Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool running the Docker application. It has been configured to join together in a cluster. The activities of the cluster are controlled by a swarm manager, and machines that have joined the cluster are referred to as nodes.

Docker swarm is a clustering and scheduling tool for docker containers.
with Swarm, IT administrators' and developers can establish and manage a
cluster of docker nodes as a single virtual system.

what is container orchestration ??
Applications are typically made up of individually containerized
components(often called microservice) that must be organized at the networking level in order for the application to run as intended.
The process of organizing muliple containers in this manner is known as
container orchestration.

Components of docker swarm ??
Manager Node
: They are the main nodes that control the cluster and are responsible for managing the planning and scheduling of the containers in the cluster. They also store information about the containers in the cluster and coordinate communication between nodes

Worker Node : These are the nodes that run the containers in the cluster. They are responsible for running containers and processing user requests.

Swarm Mode : This is the Docker Swarm mode that is activated on the manager nodes and enables communication and coordination between the nodes in the cluster.

Services : They are sets of containers that run on the cluster and provide a specific application or service. The services are defined via a configuration file and deployed in the Docker Swarm cluster.

overlay network : It is a virtual network that allows containers to communicate with each other and with the outside world. Cluster nodes are connected to an overlay network to enable communication between containers running on different nodes.

Load Balancing : Docker Swarm provides integrated load balancing to distribute requests among the containers of a service. The manager nodes schedule and distribute the requests to
the corresponding worker nodes, ensuring that traffic is evenly distributed among all containers.
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