Session 104: Bridging Citizen Science and SDGs

Описание к видео Session 104: Bridging Citizen Science and SDGs

"Enhancing Public Education and Action on the Climate Crisis"

"Harness the power of science for your neighborhood."

"Neighborhood Science, more commonly known as Citizen Science or Crowd-Sourced Science, is ordinary people of any age gathering scientific information locally and sharing it with the global scientific community." -

High time to take this on!

Vivienne Byrd, Lead on Full STEAM Ahead & Citizen Science Initiative, Los Angeles Public Library
Sarah Tribelhorne, Sciences Librarian, San Diego Metropolitan Area
Priscilla Pun, Library Member of University of Macau

Tune in to hear about LA City Public Libary's success engaging community participation in response to the global climate crisis.

We'll also get the latest from IFLA’s Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB) whose aim is to "encourage librarians to inspire their communities into more environmentally sustainable way of action, by providing materials on green librarianship, giving voice to green librarians and library projects worldwide, leading by example, and offering a discussion forum."


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