4.5m car turntable Installation at factory-friction drive motor from Nostec

Описание к видео 4.5m car turntable Installation at factory-friction drive motor from Nostec

Cautions for car turntable installation

1.The final look of the installation is highly dependent on the consistency of the gap and elevation between the turntable and the adjacent non-rotating floor. From our experience, we have found that forming a perfect circle to a precise diameter and then pouring that it is perfectly flat around that circle is quite ambitious. Very few concrete sub-contractors succeed in doing so on a consistent basis.

2.The leveling of the turntables can be done by height-adjustable support wheels and center bearing. The pit floor should be kept +/- 1 cm within the specified pit depth. However as a result, the concrete pit need not be perfectly flat. Before installation, we recommend taking the time to verify that the pit is completely flat and poured to the correct depth, diameter, drainage and conduits are checked again. This will avoid delay and waste of money.

3.Installation normally is completed within one or two working days. To ensure a smooth installation and to be ready for our installation crew please prepare the pit as follows:

a. Please be sure that the pit is clean and free of concrete remains.
b. The turntable equipment should be placed as close to the pit as possible. This will save time and avoid unnecessary physical strain of the crew.
c. If the turntable is to be installed flush with a flooring treatment such as wood or tile which is not yet installed, please let us know this detail.

4.On the installation day, please have your electrician on site to mount the control box and to make the final connections to the drive motor and control box, as early as possible.
The motor does not need to be anchored for connections to be made. All connections can be made before turntable installation. This allows for testing and adjustments to take place earlier in the day, assuring that all issues can be sorted out immediately and a proper operation will be guaranteed.

5. The installation of all electrical components have to be connected according to the valid regulations and they have to be appropriate for outdoor use.
6. Permanent power is required for operation of the turntable. Temporary power from generators will not work due to the presence of a VFD in the control box.

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