Review Demo - Yamaha BBP34

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For decades, Yamaha has had its hands in scores of different musical products, effectively being able to outfit an entire band with everything from guitars and drums to PA gear. And while the venerable company continues with this approach, there seems to be a bit of a modernization of sorts within its product lines. One example is the BB bass.

The BB has a cult following running across all levels of players. It seems that at some point in every player’s career, he or she owned or at least played a BB. The basses are known for a midrange snap that makes them practically jump off records, and they’ve served heavyweights from Nathan East to Michael Anthony—just to name a couple—for many years. So, what happens when you start changing what maybe shouldn’t be fixed? To help answer that question, we took a long look at one of the brand-spanking new BB offerings from Yamaha with the BBP34.

King BB
I can almost hear the Yamaha purists gasp at the thought of a BB redesign, but I’d like to think the Yamaha designers didn’t enter this decision lightly. All products will inevitably evolve—some for the better, and some falling flat. I personally look at these renewals as a good thing, especially if a company can learn from almost 50 years of building basses to roll out a more efficient and overall better product.

When I opened up the included hardshell case, I let out a little “whoa” when I saw a bass that was leaner and meaner, and yet somehow more sophisticated than its predecessor. The first thing that grabbed me were the “normal” pickups. Yes, Virginia, you mod freaks can now drop standard-sized pickups into the new BB—a difficult process in the past because of the Yamaha’s oversized pickups.

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