RRB PO/Clerk 2024 Kaise Bane? | How To Check Preparation Level | IBPS RRB 2024 | By Vidhu sir

Описание к видео RRB PO/Clerk 2024 Kaise Bane? | How To Check Preparation Level | IBPS RRB 2024 | By Vidhu sir

Month 1: Foundation and Concepts
Weeks 1-2: Understanding the Exam Pattern and Syllabus
Research: Begin with thoroughly researching the exam pattern, syllabus, and previous year question papers. Understanding the weightage of various sections is crucial.
Plan: Create a detailed weekly study plan dividing the syllabus into manageable sections. Ensure to cover all the topics listed in the syllabus.
Weeks 3-4: Conceptual Clarity and Basic Practice
Study Material: Use recommended books and resources to study. Focus on building your concepts.
Practice: Start with basic practice questions from each topic to build your understanding. Utilize online resources or books recommended by Vidhu Sir for practice.
Month 2: Intensive Practice and Mock Tests
Weeks 1-2: Topic Wise Practice
Deep Dive: Delve deeper into each topic, especially the ones you find difficult. Practice varied questions from these topics.
Notes: Keep making concise notes for quick revision, including shortcuts, formulas, and important points.
Weeks 3-4: Mock Tests and Analysis
Regular Mock Tests: Start taking regular mock tests simulating exam conditions. Vidhu Sir often emphasizes the importance of time management which can be honed through these tests.
Analysis: Analyze your performance in each mock test to identify weak areas. Work on these areas intensively.
Month 3: Revision and Strategy
Weeks 1-2: Focused Revision
Revise: Go through your notes and revise all the topics. Pay special attention to the areas that you’re weak in.
More Practice: Solve questions from these weak areas. Vidhu Sir suggests focusing more on quality than quantity during revision.
Weeks 3-4: Final Prep and Strategy
Mock Tests: In the last two weeks, increase the frequency of taking mock tests.
Exam Strategy: Develop an exam strategy – which sections to attempt first, time management for each section, etc.
Relaxation: Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to ensure you are mentally prepared for exam day. Vidhu Sir often stresses the importance of being in the right mental frame to perform your best.



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