6 個勞力士地通拿你必須要知道的事 | 同場加映 隱藏款 Rolex Daytona, 6 things you need to know about | Hidden model Revealed

Описание к видео 6 個勞力士地通拿你必須要知道的事 | 同場加映 隱藏款 Rolex Daytona, 6 things you need to know about | Hidden model Revealed

勞力士地通拿作為勞力士旗下最受歡迎嘅錶款之一,是不少人心目中的 Dream Watch ,今集 Aristo 將要告訴你:
2)地通拿很貴嗎?最便宜是哪一款?最昂貴的傳奇地通拿是Paul Newman 6239,
3) 首隻勞力士彩虹地通拿拍賣?
4) 比較勞力士產品型號11與12的分別?勞力士產品型號有規律?
5) 地通拿市況升或跌?
6) 地通拿隱藏款?如何購買隱藏地通拿?

As one of the most popular models under Rolex, the Rolex Daytona is a Dream Watch for everyone. In this episode, Aristo will tell you:
1) Why is it called Daytona?
2) Is Daytona very expensive? Which is the cheapest model? The most expensive legendary Daytona is the Paul Newman 6239,
3) The first auction of the Rolex Rainbow Daytona?
4) Compare the differences between Rolex Daytona 11 and 12? Is there a pattern in Rolex product code?
5) Is the Daytona market rising or falling?
6) Hidden Daytona models? How to buy a hidden Daytona?

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