Nymph Flyfishing for Brown Trout on the Savage River Maryland |

Описание к видео Nymph Flyfishing for Brown Trout on the Savage River Maryland |

Some of the best and most beautiful Browns I've ever caught have been on the Savage River in Maryland. The stream sports about 900 fish per mile with 88% wild brown trout, 6% wild brook trout and 6% rainbow trout. I always enjoy coming here. Most of the fish caught were tight-line nymphing, but a few were able to find the net after some slow pool indicator fishing.

I've had the best luck with tight-line nymphing using Tungsten Head Perdigon variations. This go-round, I added a San Juan Worm to attempt to catch the Trout's attention. It seemed to work. One can find good dry fly action in the evenings, as well.


#maryland #brown #browntrout #river #savageriver #wild


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