Indrajit / Meghanada - Untold Story | Ravanan's Son | SundayDisturbers

Описание к видео Indrajit / Meghanada - Untold Story | Ravanan's Son | SundayDisturbers

Indrajit or Meghanada, according to Hindu mythology, was a prince of Lanka and a conqueror of Indra Loka (heaven) like his father before him. He was mentioned in the Indian epic Ramayana. Indrajit played an active role in the great war between Rama and Ravana. He is considered as the only Atimaharathi class warrior ever born on earth.[citation needed] He is one and only warrior who possessed the three ultimate weapons of Trimurti, i.e. Brahmanda astra, Vaishnavastra, and Pashupatastra. He acquired all kinds of celestial weapons from his Guru Shukra, Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. By defeating the Devas in the heaven he took their weapons and become the possessor of all kinds of divine weapons of deva, asura's and trimurti's. Indrajit subdued both Rama and Lakshman, and later incapacitated Lakshman in their second encounter.


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