內心大逃脫 Sexual Identity: False Identity // 袁幼軒博士 // 全球線上佈道會

Описание к видео 內心大逃脫 Sexual Identity: False Identity // 袁幼軒博士 // 全球線上佈道會




這是一個你不想錯過的內容, 一起來一場 內心大逃脫

"Who am I?"
"What's happening to my identity?"
"I'm confused about my gender."
"Why do you want to label me?"

How should I face these questions? Who am I?

We invite you to join us, whether you have these questions yourself or your beloved friends and family do. You're welcome to participate online.

Dr. Yuan struggled for many years with the same doubts and eventually found answers in the Bible.


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