Sequence & Energy Transfer | NBA Shooting Coach | Rob Fodor

Описание к видео Sequence & Energy Transfer | NBA Shooting Coach | Rob Fodor

This is a great way to actually "see" what energy transfer looks like. By attaching the upward force at the proper time (correct sequence when shooting) you get the benefit of transferring energy stored in the body and placing it in the ball.
The bounce thru drill helps to work on sequence. It is important to have the ball moving ahead of the body raise. This creates energy transfer and builds range.
Bounce thru also works our method of 1,2 THRU. Dribble the ball . As body loads, get hands ready. When back in hands (1 move), raise ball faster than the rest of you to release point (2 move) ....shoot on rise (thru move). There ya have it!
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