【訓練搖籃 🔥 薪火相傳】A Breeding Ground: Passing on the Torch

Описание к видео 【訓練搖籃 🔥 薪火相傳】A Breeding Ground: Passing on the Torch

時代不斷變遷 💫 喺滅火救援過程中面對嘅挑戰 🎯 亦與日俱增 ⬆️ 消防處與時並進 💪🏻 不斷提升專業水平 🆙 消防及救護學院為新入職學員同在職嘅屬員,提供專業同多元化嘅訓練 📚🏃🏻 令每一位消防、救護同調派及通訊組人員不斷進步並提升應變能力 🚨💡 全力以赴為市民提供優質嘅專業服務 🚒🚑

由於疫情關係,今年未能邀請大家親身嚟到消防及救護學院參觀,所以我哋特別製作咗呢條短片,等大家可以好似置身學院當中 🚒🚑 依家就一齊展開學院之旅,睇吓各項訓練設施啦 👀▶️


Changing times pose ever-greater challenges to firefighting and rescue operations. To move with the times, the Fire Services Department is determined to sharpen its professional edge with vigour. Under the FSD, the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy, or the FASA, is responsible for providing professional and diversified training to new recruits and serving members of the three streams of our service – fire, ambulance and mobilising & communications. The training is oriented towards broadening trainees’ skill-sets and intensifying their responsiveness to contingencies, the purpose of which is to empower them to deliver quality and professional services to the public to the best of their ability.

The open day of the FASA has to be put on hold this year because of the pandemic. Instead we would like to invite you for a virtual tour – by video – of the academy and walk you through its various training facilities. Now sit back and enjoy the tour!

A Brief of the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy (Eng): https://bit.ly/3j7hYgR
A Brief of the Fire and Ambulance Services Education Centre cum Museum: (Eng/TC/SC): https://bit.ly/2QbFBsf


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