How long to wait for second pregnancy after first c section? - Dr. Anjana Ramesh

Описание к видео How long to wait for second pregnancy after first c section? - Dr. Anjana Ramesh

If the interval is short that is less than 6 months then it will associate with more problems with the mother and the fetus. The most feared complication is rupture of the ureters which is seen in caesareans if the patients have been seen conceived within 6 months of the previous delivery. The uterine muscle takes about 6 months to heal, but the present recommendation within the whole world authorities are within 18 months. Minimum of 18 months between 2 caesareans. Not only the healing of the uterine muscles, but for the women to recover her body stores, it takes about 18 months. So even in a normal pregnancy, we would recommend the same use. So proper contraceptive use and spacing out and planning the next caesarean after 18 months is good and vaginal delivery if it has been planned after a caesarean and the gap is more than 18 months then the vaginal delivery chances are more.


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