(YTPMV) CheesicScan 4

Описание к видео (YTPMV) CheesicScan 4

This video is a collaboration between DukeOnkledNukem/Phazon (audio) and myself (visuals).
Please be sure to check out his channel and Twitter here:
   / dukeonklednukem  
  / dj_paypig  

Also, please check out the whole CheesicScan Saga that made this video happen.
CheesicScan 1:    • CheesicScan.wmv  
CheesicScan 2:    • CheesicScan 2  
CheesicScan 3:    • It's Cheesier to Run (CheesicScan 3)  

Collabing with Phazon is a dream come true for me. He's been one of my all time favorite YTPMVers probably since I knew what YTPMV was. I can't stress enough for everyone to check out his stuff if you haven't already. I'm also excited to officially be part of the CheesicScan Cinematic Universe. It took me a while to get the time to work on this, but it was extremely fun. I hope everyone enjoys the amount of work both of us put into this project.

Phazon: "This is an idea i've been sitting on for quite a long time, and working with DWL to have it done justice has both been an honor and fun as hell, i hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making this."

All visuals and audio were done in Vegas Pro.

If anyone has read this far into this already long description, I'm just going to take this time to promote something else I've been working on this year:
  / guestcharacters  
VGGuestCharacters is an ongoing Twitter account I've started to archive playable guest characters in video games. It was first started to mostly show off some of the more ridiculous guests to ever happen in video games, but surprisingly there's also a lot of guests that seemed to fly under the general public's radar. So if you're interested in such, please take a look.

Here's my whole-lot-less-interesting Twitter as well.
  / dedoubleyouel  

2019 YTPMVs
Toadsworth Screaming in the Sewers (Collab with TheEpicROB)
   • (YTPMV) Toadsworth Screaming in the S...  
(183) Unfinished/Scrapped YTPMVs
   • (183) Unfinished/Scrapped YTPMVs: 201...  
   • (YTPMV) Dead-Alive  

Alt Account:    / dedoubleyouel  

#YTPMV #CheesasaurusRex #YoshisIsland


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