Man's Best Friend - A Dogumentary: StoriesTogether // Viddsee Originals

Описание к видео Man's Best Friend - A Dogumentary: StoriesTogether // Viddsee Originals

Four people, four dogs, four unique stories. In this intimate documentary portrait, we explore the relationship between dog and owner through the eyes of four diverse Singapore residents. Although their experiences may vary, owning a dog will change your life.

A Viddsee Original Production
Directed by Daniel Millar (Singapore)

English and Chinese subtitles available.

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Adopting a dog is a heavy commitment and responsibility. Leia, Nikkou, Whisky and Frisbee are brought in as canine companions for their respective human families from different backgrounds - animal shelters, kelongs etc. In the time that they have spent at their new homes, they have carved out a lasting and meaningful relationship with their owners - helping them through different obstacles and challenges. This documentary shares the adoption story of four different dogs and beautiful friendship between the them and their owners.

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Viddsee is the home of outstanding and original short films, documentaries and series curated and created by our team. Whether you’re a fan of drama, horror, comedy, romance, sci-fi and every quirky in-between, there’s always something new for everyone.

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