Swords are Scary | Smash Ultimate

Описание к видео Swords are Scary | Smash Ultimate

Just a chill Kirby sesh in Online Smash. Poyo!

00:00 Intro
00:27 vs Sephiroth
Going against a character with a massive sword is not great for Kirby, especially when there are platforms in the way. Sephiroth is pretty intimidating all around for Kirb, the one exploitable feature he has is his weight though. You can get some pretty early kills if you can land a smash attack. This isn’t an amazing Seph either, so I’m even able to land a hammer on the second stock lol. All in all a fun match.
04:05 vs Roy
Roy has been the bane of my existence for my other mains when I’ve played lately. Especially Bowser, but this was the first of a bunch of Roy v Kirby games I’ve had lately, and they’ve all gone quite well for me. Kirby is my Roy killer.
07:48 vs Cloud
This guy just spams upB and neutral B for most the game, which is a surprisingly potent strat on Kirby, especially when you have a massive sword Aether UpB. At least it isn’t actual Aether cause that’s even worse. The Ike Kirby matchup is 7-3 in Ike’s favor so I wouldn’t count on seeing much Ike gameplay in my Kirby vids. As for Cloud, his upB is much more exploitable, although in the conjunction with the projectile, it does stop a lot of my approaches, and forces me to get more defensive, which is not my strong suit with Kirby.
11:30 vs Yoshi
Pretty standard Yoshi match, the second stock makes example of one of my least favorite Kirby moves, upB. I have a lot of problems with this move, but the one showcased is the inconsistent spike hitbox. It’s cool that you can land a spike and grab ledge a frame apart, but the spike hitbox is miniscule. Even when you’ve got someone trapped in the upB, chances are they aren’t getting spiked. I could have so many more clean clips if the sourspot wasn’t massive.
15:30 vs Bowser
Pretty handedly beat this Bows. Heavyweight matches with Kirby are risky, you either juggle the giant hitbox to death, or you get hit twice and die. Bowser has the biggest hitbox of them all though so he’s especially easy to juggle.
17:50 Outro

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