100 Things To Be Thankful For Everyday (Gratitude Exercise)

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God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you?'
William Arthur Ward

It's always a good idea to think on the things in life for which we are grateful. Most of us, rightly, take what the universe has to give for granted.
Everyone has a hectic life, and we don't always have time to pause and reflect on what we have to be grateful for.

However, it's essential to take a break and make a gratitude list so that you can appreciate how much positive and pleasure there is in the world.

You may write these down or speak them to yourself, which is something the Law Of Attraction recommends and is known as positive affirmations.

You are continuously reminding yourself what you have to be thankful for and grateful for when you do this.
#Thankful #Gratitude


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