WACCA Reverse (aluminum can) cabinet overview and inspection

Описание к видео WACCA Reverse (aluminum can) cabinet overview and inspection

This game deserved a better end than it got. Much like CROSSxBEATS before it, WACCA was a third-party game on SEGA hardware, and only lasted a few years before getting canned. While it's not the only capacitive touch game, nor the only circle game on the market, it is different enough to be uniquely enjoyable. Gameplay is good, music is good, theming is good, very approachable. Really nothing much about the game I'd really say I don't like!

This game got a lot of attention in overseas markets (USA), but they didn't bother finishing a proper English translation, and they made player accounts region mutually exclusive. Not the greatest decisions IMO, though with the latter, there could be other factors I don't know about. It's just a shame, since according to the demographics on the WebUI, they didn't really pay much attention to the market that was getting the most use out of the game.

At the very least, there's a good offline version of the game deployed so that these cabs can still see use in arcades today.


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