What's that liquid in my starter?

Описание к видео What's that liquid in my starter?

One of the first problems that seems to surface with newcomers to the sourdough world is a brownish liquid on top of, or sometimes as a layer inside, their sourdough starter. What is it, is it dangerous, why did it form and what can one do about it?

See all of the videos, as well as tools and supplies you may need, on the website, https://www.SourdoughSimpleton.com.

The Sourdough Simpleton is designed for the newcomer to the world of Sourdough baking. I am a novice, myself, and am writing this from a perspective that I found hard to find as I navigated the straits of sourdough, encountering terms and techniques along the way that defied a simple explanation. The videos on YouTube are supported by a website, www.sourdoughsimpleton.com, and by a Facebook Group, https://bit.ly/FBSourdough


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