Python Pandas For Your Grandpa - 4.4 MultiIndex

Описание к видео Python Pandas For Your Grandpa - 4.4 MultiIndex

In this video we'll see how to use MultiIndex.

0:00 - intro / setup
0:21 - MultiIndex.from_tuples()
0:48 - structure of a MultiIndex (levels)
1:02 - how to remove a MultiIndex / reset_index()
1:24 - set_index() / MultiIndex from list of columns
1:37 - selecting rows / DataFrame.xs()
2:44 - selecting rows and columns / DataFrame.xs()
4:01 - how to flatten MultiIndex columns
4:39 - why use a MultiIndex?

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Google Colab -    • Introduction to Google Colab  
NumPy -    • Python NumPy For Your Grandma  
Pandas -    • Python Pandas For Your Grandpa  
Neural Networks -    • Neural Networks For Your Dog  

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