[DOOM 2] Slaughterfest 2012 MAP 25 UV-max in

Описание к видео [DOOM 2] Slaughterfest 2012 MAP 25 UV-max in

So here we go, one of the most dreadful mapsies you can encounter in this cute wad. This map pretty much mastered the art of pissing me off, which gets pretty confusing if you consider that half of this map was pretty much populated by me. While map shows as author only an "elmle" dude, it's horribly far from actual authorship. Cannonball did some awesome visual overhaul, beginning part is entirely his work as original was basically a passageway made of single texture, final area is also whole by him except that portal thingy which was copypasted there from original. The last locked bit of "fourtress" is also his, original had this part entirely different, it was silly and broken. The layout draft is overall work of original author, but original monster population was kept only at the beginning, in caves, central area and in BFG closets. BFG encounter was only altered in that there were added megaspheres in the least friendly places at the very back of each gigantic closet surrounded by chainers. Also I made it impossible to enter any key room beforehand with a little tedious switchhunt to prevent clogging and mapbreaking possibilities. Basically every case of mindless overpopulation blocking every inch of space is a trait of this "elmle" dude. His another trait were retarded voodoo sequences. Every room with key had one, and every room had it changed very notably, basically to the point of being completely different from the original. YK room? Half of those columns lowered at once with lost souls because author couldn't have been arsed to do it with whole room. RK? It kept teleporting in zombies for tens of minutes and column with RK had around 10 cybers there, also you could just press that column and, as long as you didn't shoot, leave it unharmed. BK? It's kinda simillar tbh. That av rape is entirely my responsibility though. Last room? Cannonball made that encounter, I 'just' doubled the amount of monsters and removed tens of ground cybers. It ended up with just 3 snipers... no need for another cyber spam mess once again.


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