Sylvie's Tips: Gaining Control of Your Muay Thai Kick - Floating Block

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A lot of people have difficulty with the hip rotation in the Muay Thai round kick, some over rotate, some under. One of the best things I learned when training with Sakmongkol in Feb (2014) was that I should be controlling my kick start to finish, in shadow, bagwork and padwork. This goes against the "spin around" shadow that a lot of people do. Instead you should have enough control to come off your kick and come into a "floating block" without your foot coming down. You can see Sakmongkol teaching me this here: It's something I've also seen Phetjee Jaa do in fights. It in particular is valuable in Thai fights where quick-return counter kicks are coming, but the real value is in gaining control of your kick through and through.


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