Leadership Styles

Описание к видео Leadership Styles

The research on classic Leadership Styles (full version) looks at the Autocratic (0:19), Democratic (8:37), and Laissez-Faire (16:05) leadership definitions, examples, and characteristics so you can compare and contrast them all.

Sources Used in this Three-Part Series:
- F. Puji, Astuti, Aunurrahman, Wahyudi. (2019). The effects of democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire (free) leadership style of kindergarten headmaster toward teacher discipline performance at kindergartens in Southeast Pontianak District. Journal of Education, Teaching, and Learning, 4, 130-138.

- Lewin, K., Lippitt, R., & White, R. K. (1939). Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created "social climates." Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 271-299.

- Van Vugt, M., Jepson, S. F., Hart, C. M., & De Cremer, D. (2004). Autocratic leadership in social dilemmas: A threat to group stability. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, 1-13.

Alex Lyon's Book (Affiliate Link) Case Studies in Courageous Communication: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/143...
Essential Professional Communication Skills: http://bit.ly/essentialcommskills
Effective Listening Skills for Leaders: http://bit.ly/listeningskillsforleaders
Become More Clear, Concise, & Confident: http://bit.ly/clearconciseconfident
The Art of Persuasive Communication for Beginners: http://bit.ly/persuasionforbeginners
Developing Stakeholder Relationships for Effective Team Leadership: http://bit.ly/stakeholderrelationships
Present Like a Pro (Intermediate Public Speaking): http://bit.ly/2zmDM2W

How to Have a Conversation with Anyone: https://skl.sh/2PVYDkl
Effective Listening Skills for Leaders: https://skl.sh/2GnIRMR
Public Speaking: How to Open and Close Like a Boss: https://skl.sh/2ykPJX3
Public Speaking: Confident Delivery Skills: https://skl.sh/38usFFe
Become More Clear, Concise, & Confident: https://skl.sh/36m6dxO
The Art of Persuasive Communication for Beginners: https://skl.sh/2RNY4wt
Developing Stakeholder Relationships for Effective Team Leadership: https://skl.sh/2XapBuL
Courageous Communication Strategies for Leaders: https://skl.sh/3di1vEX


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