Candida Support - How Kolorex can help you, Safely & Naturally

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Kolorex natural candida support soft gels, creams & washes: anti-candida products based on the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of the ancient herb, Horopito - found exclusively in New Zealand.

Get Help Maintaining Normal Candida Levels
Kolorex® soft gels provide natural candida support using the ancient herb horopito for the maintenance of normal intestinal Candida levels.

A Clear Advantage
Kolorex Advanced Candida Care capsules provide natural support in the maintenance of normal intestinal micro-flora levels.

– Horopito has a long history of traditional use.
– Essential digestive bacteria compete with undesirable yeasts for space
– Kolorex Advanced Candida Care helps maintain balanced intestinal micro-flora
– Contains a patented liquid extract of New Zealand Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata)
– The plants are grown on our own farm, and are independently tested for activity

Processed foods, beverages and stress sometimes affect the microbial balance in our intestines. Essential digestive bacteria compete with undesirable yeasts for space. Kolorex Advanced Candida Care soft gels contain a patented liquid extract of Kolorex Horopito to help restore balance to your intestinal micro-flora.

The key to the effectiveness of Kolorex is high activity specimens of the traditional New Zealand herb, Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata). Each batch of Kolorex Horopito leaves must pass an independent laboratory test for activity prior to use. Forest Herbs combines tradition with science to make available to the world the benefits of plants from New Zealand’s unique natural environment.

Advanced Candida Care provides a gentle action; delivering the benefits of supercritical CO2 extracted Active Horopito. This once a day formulation is easy to swallow and supports healthy gut microflora naturally.

The human body naturally breaks down supplements into liquids that can be absorbed. Now, liquid-filled Kolorex Candida Care Capsules take advantage of this inherent fact. They are also easier on the stomach for people who are particularly “sensitive” to hot/spicy foods (horopito is a type of pepper) as the capsule take longer to dissolve in the gut.

An imbalance in our normal gut microflora may result in varied signs, such as digestive upset, excessive gas, bloated stomach and lethargy. Our normal microflora balance can be adversely affected by many factors, the most common of which are poor diet (for example a diet high in processed food, sweet or alcoholic beverages), stress, and certain prescription drugs, in particular broad-spectrum antibiotics. If your intestinal balance has been upset, a liquid extract of Active Horopito from New Zealand may provide the answer you are looking for.

Assays show that Kolorex Horopito™ is a more powerful than Pau’d’Arco, oregano oil, olive leaf extract and many other herbs promoted as natural Candida cures.


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