Most Popular Song Each Month in the 60s

Описание к видео Most Popular Song Each Month in the 60s

Each month, we look at the most popular songs of the 60s and see which ones are still getting played 50 years later. From the Beatles to the Monkees, check out which songs remain popular 50 years later!
Welcome to Melody of Youth!

Here you will find videos about the best songs and artists from all over the world and especially in the United States. Our goal is to help you discover different music styles while bringing back some of the most iconic tunes of all time. Join me to celebrate the best music from 6 decades: The 1950s, '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s & 2000s

Popular songs are not always the best. Please support us by subscribing to the Melody of Youth channel, thanks you!


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