Getting Senior Paralyzed Dog into Walkin' Wheels Wheelchair and Assisting in Bladder Expression

Описание к видео Getting Senior Paralyzed Dog into Walkin' Wheels Wheelchair and Assisting in Bladder Expression

Our senior German Shepherd Dog Tika (14.5 years) has had Degenerative Myelopathy (spinal disease resulting in full paralysis of her hind legs) for 2.5 years.

This video shows you how to assist in expressing the bladder, how we handle/hold Tika to assist her in walking and doing her business, and how to get her into and out of her Walkin' Wheels wheelchair.
UPDATE: On the morning of May 28/21, my Tika crossed the Rainbow Bridge; it was time to share her with the Angels. We had such beautiful days and memories leading up to Tika's departure. We have a very strong love and bond that can never be broken; my Angel will always be in the hearts of her Mommy and Daddy, guiding the way, until we meet again.
I wrote a story about our experience with DM, complete with several videos and pictures. It is a story about love, commitment and devotion for a senior paralyzed German Shepherd Dog with Degenerative Myelopathy.

You can find the full story (and other videos) at Part 2 to Tika's story will be forthcoming.

Degenerative Myelopathy is a heartwrenching disease, as it slowly takes away certain functions (mobility and continence), making life quite a challenge (but still enjoyable with the right aids). With this disease, it is usually the humans that make the decision to assist their pet to the Rainbow Bridge, and this time is coming very, very soon.

I hope that Tika’s story will help others with senior or mobility-challenged pets, and may result not only in an improvement of their pet’s quality of life but also in an extension of their pet's life.

***PLEASE HELP SHARE TIKA'S STORY: Please share this story with anyone who you think would care, simply by sharing the video or blogpost link on Facebook or sending it in an email. This would mean so much to Tika and I! This will be part of her legacy

If you liked this video, please leave a comment and consider subscribing to my channel. And be sure to check out the blog post! (Part 2 to Tika's story will be published in Feb'22).


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