Gw2 Anti-Condi Ranger Soulbeast WvW Solo Roamer [Absolute Menace] [How To Deal With Condi Meta]

Описание к видео Gw2 Anti-Condi Ranger Soulbeast WvW Solo Roamer [Absolute Menace] [How To Deal With Condi Meta]

Hello Everyone¡¡ Another Monday, another video from your friendly noob-ish Ranger!

I've noticed that lately we find A LOT of Celestial Condi players, specially Scourge and Harbringer. They are RIDICULOUSLY hard to beat with most clases, let alone the Power Soulbeast. Normally they can just out-stat you and... yeah, dedge. Not anymore, this build can Dodge like a thief, hit like a truck and heal/sustain quite well too.

I set my mind into making a POWER Build that is capable of dealing with them and here it is! Of course the build is super versatile and its Pretty Good anywhere, not just against condi.

The damage is there and we have A TON of condi cleanse thanks to the synergy of the build, making use of the traits Primal Reflexes and Strider's Strength from Skirmishing talent tree-line, we have a Good combination of defense + offense.
Then we complement that with Nature's Magic tree-line, where most of our sustain comes from. We further increase the synergy of the previously mentioned Talents with Evasive Purity, which heals and cleanses us every time we dodge, but don't be fooled, Nature's Magic doesn't only provide with very strong regen and heals, thanks to Bountiful Hunter and the overall Play-Flow of the build, we are also getting a pretty decent boost of damage because we always have boons up.

Here you can do a nasty combo where after using the Big Heal when merged (Spiritual Reprive or F3), You Will have so many boons giving you damage and defense that you can turn around a situation where usually you just want to heal and chill, but instead you can bonk them hard!! You can see some of that in the video.
After some testing, the only thing i was missing was a bit more of Slow-Cleanse and Swiftness, thus why we use the Support Owl, it just fits PERFECTLY into the build and since we are running the Mace-reset combo with Sword/Warhorn, Leaving aside our beloved GS and Wolfies Stunlock-Combo its more than okay.

Compliment the Build with any food you ike, although my recommendations are: Life-Leech on Crit or The Dodge food to mak you EVEN MORE Annoying to deal with, my personal preference is the precision-life leech food for a low Budget or if you can afford it, use the Good ascended food that gives you 45+ to all stats AND the life-leech.

I hope you all enjoy the video and feel free to ask anything in the comments!

Build links here:

As always, have a nice day and see you in the nxt one!!


Melodic dubstep - Alex_Vlas


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