Treatment of Skeletal Class I Malocclusion with Invisalign|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC809

Описание к видео Treatment of Skeletal Class I Malocclusion with Invisalign|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC809

[case report]
This presentation features the treatment of a CIass I malocclusion combined with anterior crossbite and crowding. Three takeaways from this case: 1. Use the ext/non-ext table to determine if extraction is necessary. 2. Expand the narrow arch with aligners. 3. Correct anterior crossbite with aligners and tongue pressers.

本篇報告介紹了一個Class I合併牙亂和前牙錯咬的治療案例。本篇的三個治療要點包含:1. 利用拔牙與不拔牙的表格分析來決定是否需要拔牙。2. 利用隱形矯正器來將擴張過窄的牙弓。3.透過隱形矯正器和壓舌板矯正前牙錯咬。


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