RabbitMQ Explained - Use Cases

Описание к видео RabbitMQ Explained - Use Cases

Let's take a closer look at some RabbitMQ use cases. Mainly to help you get a better understanding of the benefits of using a Message Queue.

RabbitMQ is a traditional pub-sub message broker (publish-subscribe), meaning one part of the system is communicating with another part of the system through a Message Queue.

Some use cases we will go through in this video include:

Using RabbitMQ to make reliable backups
Using RabbitMQ to scale images
Using RabbitMQ to scan uploaded files
Using RabbitMQ to generate PDFs

Intro: (0:00)
What is RabbitMQ?: (0:25)
Daily Backup creation at ElephantSQL: (1:01)
Image Scaling at Hemnet: (1:32)
File Scanning at Softonic: (2:06)
PDF generator: (2:32)
Benefits of using RabbitMQ: (3:11)
Microservice Architecture: (3:54)
Outro: (4:07)

By using a Message Queue you allow your application to respond to requests quickly and save the heavy lifting for later. Thanks to this queue the application is not being forced to perform resource-intensive tasks immediately - something that would heavily affect the response time.

RabbitMQ allows Producers and Consumers to be located at completely different servers. And a message can be requested from an application built in one programming language, which is later handled by a microservice written in another programming language. So basically, the different parts of the system will only communicate through the message queue. This RabbitMQ architecture results in low coupling between the services which in turn makes the application more robust, easier to scale, develop and maintain.

RabbitMQ is a perfect middleman/broker between microservices.

CloudAMQP offers managed RabbitMQ clusters. Try it free - https://www.cloudamqp.com
New to RabbitMQ? What is RabbitMQ?
Our blog series "RabbitMQ for beginners" is the perfect introduction - https://www.cloudamqp.com/blog/2015-0...
Or download our popular and free RabbitMQ Ebook - https://www.cloudamqp.com/rabbitmq_eb...


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