京都・葵祭「社頭の儀」 "Ceremony of the Head of the Shrine" at the Aoi Festival in Kyoto. 京都葵節的“社首祭”。

Описание к видео 京都・葵祭「社頭の儀」 "Ceremony of the Head of the Shrine" at the Aoi Festival in Kyoto. 京都葵節的“社首祭”。


The Aoi Festival, one of Kyoto's three major festivals, was held at Shimogamo Shrine in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City on the morning of May 15, 2022. Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the procession event "Roto no Gi" in Heian period costumes has been canceled for the third consecutive year. In the afternoon, a ceremony was held at Kamigamo Shrine (Kita Ward, Kyoto City).

2022年5月15日上午,京都三大祭之一的葵祭在京都市左京區下鴨神社舉行。 由於新型冠狀病毒的影響,身著平安時代服飾的遊行活動“街頭儀式”已連續第三年取消。 下午,在上賀茂神社(京都市北區)舉行了儀式。


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