How to brew a liquid malt extract beer kit (LME)

Описание к видео How to brew a liquid malt extract beer kit (LME)

Simple tutorial on how to brew a liquid malt extract beer kit.

Took a step back in time to brew this tiny rebel cwtch (LME) beer kit again. It’s a firm favourite of mine and it has the sugars already in the LME so it’s simple as they come and produces a 95% like for like beer (I’ve compared them with a chap who also homebrewed and he was just as impressed as I was)

Instructions are as clear as day and everything is included!

Not all kits have additional hops but I recommend buying a kid that does 🤟🏻

WRITE UP INSTRUCTIONS (in general for LME kits) but do follow any hops instruction in the kit you buy. Just add them into whats done below.

add 2.5-5L hot water to the fermented and add your LME syrup

mix until syrup is fully disolved

add the volune of water required for the said kit you’ve purchased (this can vary from style to style depending on the ABV, less water means less dilution so more alcohol) you can even mess about with this once you’re happy with the fundamentals of brewing 👍🏻

check temperature of the wort!!! This is very important.. too hight the yeast will die, or at least give off some nasty flavours. If its too low it will struggle to create a colony

add the yeast in the pack

mix well adding oxygen

Back soon tonsee where this beer is at.

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