Deep Sea Zone: Throughout History (1998 - 2020)

Описание к видео Deep Sea Zone: Throughout History (1998 - 2020)

Deep Sea Zone is where SRB2's level design took a turn for the better. Before its 3D debut in version 2.0, SRB2's three available zones were filled with straight corridors with minimal platforming or intricate hazards. Deep Sea Zone is where that all changed, setting a precedent which would be followed by both the remainder of 2.0's levels, and all vanilla levels today.

This video would not have been possible without the assistance of Glaber, who provided me with the beta builds used in the video, as well as the resources to load them. Thank you so much for the massive helping hand!

Additionally, the Audio CD music loops were created by Jay Gilbert Dicken. That made my life easier.


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