Alpha Daytona Paul Newman Homage - Review

Описание к видео Alpha Daytona Paul Newman Homage - Review

The Alpha is a straight "rip off" homage of the Rolex Daytona. Given the price and rarity of the Rolex version, I find this a worthy alternative if you love this design. I bought this in the early stages of my watch collecting when homages seem to really draw my attention. I have since sold most of those, but have kept this one due to so many things that are right about this watch. However, this is a Chinese watch, and I had some quality control issues with mine, particularly the red chronograph central seconds hand being about a fifth of a second off center. I was able to drop the movement out of the case, remove the central seconds hand and realign it, and now I really do enjoy and love this watch. Enjoy the review!


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