IHE Delft 💧 Food for thought: strengthening the links between practice and policy

Описание к видео IHE Delft 💧 Food for thought: strengthening the links between practice and policy

This video introduces the POLKA project, which is an IHE Delft Water and Development Partnership Programme project that aspires to support the transformation of food production systems to become more sustainable and equitable. The project aims to achieve this by facilitating joint learning, research, and educational activities. The Partners include the universities of Meru (Kenya), Makerere (Uganda), Adama Science and Technology (Ethiopia), Juba (South Sudan) and UPEACE (Costa Rica), the Chad River Basin Commission, and three non-governmental organizations, ATREE (India), Los Tucanes (Costa Rica) and AMUDA (Costa Rica).

Music: Happy African Village by John Bartmann , African Delta by Purple Planet - Pixabay


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