Introduction to elemental analysis by ED-XRF (Justin Masone, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments)

Описание к видео Introduction to elemental analysis by ED-XRF (Justin Masone, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments)

“An introduction to elemental analysis by ED-XRF and an overview of its applications to materials characterization laboratories”
Justin Masone, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments

June 7 2016

Advanced Material Characterization Workshop June 7-8 2016
Federick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Platinum sponsors: Anasys, Asylum Research, Denton Vacuum, Keysight, PANalytical, RHK, Rigaku, Shimadzu.
Sponsors: Aerotech, Bruker-AXS, CAMECA, DMS, FEI, Hitachi, Hysitron, IXRF Systems, JEOL, K. J. Lesker,
MidWest Vacuum, Neaspec, Princeton Inst, Raith, Sensofar, Specialty Coating.


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