Richard B. Hays on Books, Writing Habits, and Biblical Scholarship

Описание к видео Richard B. Hays on Books, Writing Habits, and Biblical Scholarship

In this interview, Richard B. Hays talks about his favorite books, his reading and writing habits, and how he thinks about research.

00:00 - Reading habits
03:08 - The first thing you do when you open a book
04:15 - Taking notes on what you read
06:36 - What to write when taking notes
08:19 - The transition from notes to writing
10:11 - Learning while writing
14:28 - The characteristics of a great sentence
16:21 - Writing for a specific audience
17:40 - When he writes best
18:50 - Where he is most productive
20:26 - Advice to younger scholars
22:43 - How to read difficult books
24:00 - Favorite books
27:04 - Books that others would be surprised to learn they’re Hays’ favorites
28:56 - Underrated books that should be read more often
30:01 - Books recommended for college students


Richard B. Hays, George Washington Ivey Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, is internationally recognized for his work on the Gospels, the letters of Paul, and on New Testament ethics. His scholarly work has bridged the disciplines of biblical criticism and literary studies, exploring the innovative ways in which early Christian writers interpreted Israel’s Scripture. He has also consistently sought to demonstrate how close reading of the New Testament can inform the church’s theological reflection, proclamation, and ministry.


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