Drupal pie chart with Visualization API and Highcharts

Описание к видео Drupal pie chart with Visualization API and Highcharts

Learn how to use Drupal with Views, the Visualization API, and the Highcharts JavaScript library to create a professional looking pie chart. No voice over. Click 'Show more' for written instructions.

Written instructions:

Create a few articles and tag them with different kinds of pies.

Enable Chaos tools (part of Chaos tools suite), Libraries, Visualization, Views, and Views UI.

Go to Configuration, Visualization.

Select Highcharts as the preferred charting library.

Go to http://www.highcharts.com and download the Highcharts library.

Extract the folder, rename it 'highcharts', and put it in sites, all, libraries.

Go to Structure, Views, Add new view.

Name the view 'Pies' and have it list content of type Article.

Add the relationship 'Content: Taxonomy terms on node'.

Check the 'Tags' vocabulary and 'Require this relationship' in the relationship settings.

Turn on aggregation.

List fields instead of the default content.

Add the field 'Taxonomy term: Name'. Use the Count aggregation function to group taxonomy terms of the same name together.

Add another instance of the field 'Taxonomy term: Name', but this time just group the results together.

Switch the format from the default 'Unformatted list' to 'Visualization'.

Change the chart type to 'Pie chart'.

Enable your first taxonomy term name field in the chart.

Make the second taxonomy term name field appear on the x-axis.


Информация по комментариям в разработке