War's of Reaving

Описание к видео War's of Reaving

Caption borrowed from Sarna.net because it's too damn long to type, heh.

“ Descendants of the Star League Defense Force, they returned to the Inner Sphere in 3050 with violence and honor. Stalled by the combined might of the Inner Sphere, the Clans have been waiting for the chance to strike for Terra once more. But fractures within Nicholas Kerensky’s Great Society have widened. A new enemy threatens to destroy the Clans once and for all: themselves. The resulting Wars of Reaving touches every Clan: some will be destroyed, all will be forever altered.
The Wars of Reaving sourcebook details the Clans from 3067 through the end of the Jihad era and includes detailed reports, faction updates, personalities, units, and equipment that have a hand in this widespread orgy of war. Essential gameplay statistics, maps, and a complete campaign allow players to immerse themselves completely within these Wars of Reaving.

How to use this book
Way of the Warrior
Trials of Position
What Came Before
Armed Politics
Balance of Power
Wheels and Deals
Ravens in the Outworlds
Crashing Home
Coyote Diet
Trials of Possession
Cracks in the Foundation
Absent but Present
Secret Moves, Secret Worlds
The Rise of Warrior-Ambassador
The Art of Distraction
Quiet Movements
Politics and Problems
Stalking the Desert
Lamentations and the Raven
The Hellion Plan
Viper and Falcon
Exodus Requiem
The Raven Absorption
Closing the Net
The Coyote Prowls
Fuel for the Blood Feud
Hellion Fury, Horse's Gains
The Wolf's Preparations
Bandit Caste: Commodus Van Houten
Machinations and Manipulations
Merges and Moves
The Hellion Strikes
Turning of the Tide
Line of Death
The Reaving of the Blood
The Wolf at the Door
Icy Fire
End of an Era
Clan Burrock
Death Rides Forth
Sandbagging the Breach
The Rot Within
Dark Periphery
Scraping the Falcon
Fall of Szabo
Bearding the Shark
Raven's Dirge
The Fall of York
The Viper Uncoils
Loss of Signal
The Hellion Fades
Silence of the Falcon
Trials of Annihilation
Splitting the Snake
Spreading Contagion
The Defamation of Albion
Scorpion Gambit
The Goliath Deception
Vengeance on Vinton
Punishing Priori
Rise of the Blood Spirit
The Spheroid Conspiracies
Poking the Bear
Death of a Kindraa
Falcon Vengeance
Fall of Tokasha
Viper's Venom
Adder's Assault
Reconvening the Council
Viper's End
Focused Aggression
Founder's Future
The Society
Clan Blood Spirit
Escorpión Imperio
Clan Cloud Cobra
Clan Coyote
Clan Star Adder
Clan Stone Lion
Clan Diamond Shark
Clan Ghost Bear
Clan Hell's Horses
Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Snow Raven
Clan Wolf
Major Personalities of the Wars of Reaving
Brett Andrews
Etienne (Balzac)
Hannibal Banacek
Amanda Carrol
Raven Clearwater
Constans Cluff
Magnus DelVillar
Boyle Grimani
Jake Kabrinski
Raina Montose
Stanislov N'Buta
Connor Rood
Garret Sainze
Ariel Suvorov
Other Personalities of Note
Samantha Clees
"The Jaguar" (Russou Howell)
Semi Kalasa
Hollyann Kardaan
Kael Pershaw
Karianna Schmitt
Bloodnames of the Homeworld Clans
Bloodnames of the Council of Six Clans
Rules Annex
Evolving Armament
New ProtoMech equipment
Electric Discharge ProtoMech Armor (EDP)
Extended Jump Jet System (XJJ)
Magnetic Clamp System (MCS)
ProtoMech Quad Melee Weapon System (MWS)
New BattleMech equipment
Improved Advanced Tactical Missile (iATM)
Improved Magnetic Pulse (IMP) Ammunition
Improved Inferno (IIW) Ammunition
Nova Combined Electronic Warfare System (CEWS)
Precision Instruments
New ProtoMech Types
Advanced ProtoMech Gameplay Rules
Advanced ProtoMech Construction Rules
ProtoMech Jump Jets and Other Mobility Enhancements
ProtoMech Control Systems
Wars of Reaving Battle Value Annex
Advanced ProtoMech Battle Value Rules
Additional Weapon and Equipment Battle Values
New ProtoMechs
Basilisk (Quad)
Hobgoblin Ultraheavy ProtoMech
Boggart Ultraheavy ProtoMech
Sprite Ultraheavy ProtoMech
New BattleMechs
Molecular War
DNA-Targeted Virus
Game Rules
Mutagenic Virotherapy
MV Types
Combat Drugs
Repelling Void Monsters
HPG Override
Notable Personalities of the Wars of Reaving
Creating A Time of War stats for Notable Personalities
Interstellar Campaigns
Wars of Reaving Campaign
Warchest Points
Warchest Debt
How to Use the Reaving Campaign
Battlefield Setup
Special Rules
Additional Special Rules
Betrayal Modifier Table
Warchest Points Between Tracks
Skill Advancement
Ending the Campaign

Unofficially supported by the Cleveland Battletech League and the Urbanmech Appreciation Society.


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