How to custom paint crankset (DIY Spray Can) | Repaint Tutorial

Описание к видео How to custom paint crankset (DIY Spray Can) | Repaint Tutorial

How to custom paint your crankset.

Sicked of typical crankset design, which are usually black and dull with boring logo prints. So I decided to do a DIY makeover for my crank with camouflaged pattern. It's pretty simple to do, all you need is spray can and some masking tape if you do not have vinyl sticker paper. I simply love the design and definitely gives some personality to my custom bike build. I noticed that the crankset are normally neglected by most people while looking to DIY or custom bike their bicycle. I think the crank definitely took up a huge amount of attention, second to the frame and of course both the wheels. So why not grab a can of paint and start painting your own today!


Bike repaint
Custom Paint
Spray Can Diy
Crankset Paint Job
Paint Job
Custom Bike Paint


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