Ep 12 | The Golden Calf by The Samiri & Musa's Anger | Majed Mahmoud

Описание к видео Ep 12 | The Golden Calf by The Samiri & Musa's Anger | Majed Mahmoud

#TheGoldCalf #Samiri #BaniIsrael

Musa gets notified that during his absence his people have been worshipping an idol in the shape of a cow. How did that happen within 40 nights of him being absent? Who is responsible for leading them astray? What is the story of the gold calf? Who is As-samiri? Why did Harun not physically put a stop to this? All of that and much more is addressed in this video, in shaa Allah.

Allah says:

20 : 85
Allah responded, “We have indeed tested your people in your absence, and the Sâmiri has led them astray.”

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So Moses returned to his people, furious and sorrowful. He said, “O my people! Had your Lord not made you a good promise? Has my absence been too long for you? Or have you wished for wrath from your Lord to befall you, so you broke your promise to me?”

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They argued, “We did not break our promise to you of our own free will, but we were made to carry the burden of the people’s ˹golden˺ jewellery, then we threw it ˹into the fire˺, and so did the Sâmiri.”

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Then he moulded for them an idol of a calf that made a lowing sound. They said, “This is your god and the god of Moses, but Moses forgot ˹where it was˺!”

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Did they not see that it did not respond to them, nor could it protect or benefit them?

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Aaron had already warned them beforehand, “O my people! You are only being tested by this, for indeed your ˹one true˺ Lord is the Most Compassionate. So follow me and obey my orders.”

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They replied, “We will not cease to worship it until Moses returns to us.”

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Moses scolded ˹his brother˺, “O Aaron! What prevented you, when you saw them going astray,

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from following after me? How could you disobey my orders?”

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Aaron pleaded, “O son of my mother! Do not seize me by my beard or ˹the hair of˺ my head. I really feared that you would say, ‘You have caused division among the Children of Israel, and did not observe my word.’”

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Moses then asked, “What did you think you were doing, O Sâmiri?”

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He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I took a handful ˹of dust˺ from the hoof-prints of ˹the horse of˺ the messenger-angel ˹Gabriel˺ then cast it ˹on the moulded calf˺. This is what my lower-self tempted me into.”

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Moses said, “Go away then! And for ˹the rest of your˺ life you will surely be crying, ‘Do not touch ˹me˺!’ Then you will certainly have a fate that you cannot escape. Now look at your god to which you have been devoted: we will burn it up, then scatter it in the sea completely.”

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˹Then Moses addressed his people,˺ “Your only god is Allah, there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. He encompasses everything in ˹His˺ knowledge.”

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This is how We relate to you ˹O Prophet˺ some of the stories of the past. And We have certainly granted you a Reminder from Us.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran


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