Toggle Sign Using an SR Flip-Flop - The Learning Circuit

Описание к видео Toggle Sign Using an SR Flip-Flop - The Learning Circuit

Updated! Derek has this overview of Flip Flops and how they work:    • How Flip-Flops Work - DC to Daylight  

Which explanation do you like better? Let us know in the comments.

In the last lesson episode (   • How Flip Flops Work - The Learning Ci...  ), Karen explored SR and JK flip flops. In this episode, Karen uses an SR Flip Flop with Preset and Clear to demonstrate how the inputs affect the outputs. Using that circuit and no additional parts, Karen shows how to use that flip flop to create a toggle circuit. The final project shows how the circuit can be used to create a Yes/No, Either/Or sign. This circuit is just the beginning. Adding a 555 timer or sensors instead of a button opens the door to the many different ways this circuit can be useful in an everyday item:

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