鄧麗君-雲深情也深Teresa Teng-Clouds Are Deep, Feeling Is Also Deep

Описание к видео 鄧麗君-雲深情也深Teresa Teng-Clouds Are Deep, Feeling Is Also Deep

Teresa Teng -Clouds Are Deep, Feeling Is Also Deep.

Sirtea Garden 茶翁家園 http://sirteagarden.blogspot.com

輕輕問一聲 悄悄寄白雲
思念的人兒 別來可無恙

輕輕說一聲 悄悄告訴你
門前的小樹 都已成綠蔭

雲深遮遠樹 愛心更無邊
默默地祝福 早日能相逢

I gently ask, ask the white clouds
The one I miss Is he ok?

I gently say, quitely tell you.
the little tree in front of the door has grown up.

The clouds are deep, cover the trees on the mountain,
My love is also deep and boundless.
I silently bless bless that we can meet earlier.


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