Chibi Knight - Playthrough - No Armor or Magic

Описание к видео Chibi Knight - Playthrough - No Armor or Magic

This is a (kinda bad) speed run attempt for Chibi Knight, a flash game by BoMToons, from Armor Games. You can play it for free here

EDIT: I replaced the link with a Newgrounds link because the Newgrounds one has speed run records :D Beat my score on there!!! If you want to see my best time, look at the video response, it's significantly improved over this one!!

If you can do it faster post it as a response!! :-) I put "playthrough" in the title rather than "speed run" since I suck, but it really is a speed run attempt. I used CamStudio, which is free, to record the video from the game. CamStudio's a little choppy sometimes, but it seems pretty good, so I recommend it if you don't want to spend money on Fraps or whatever it is.

This game is really fun!!

I die on purpose once to save time, and I die accidentally later.

Some improvements to be made:

Use up+right+down on the map / castle when walking east. This lets you go twice as fast. You can also do up+left+down if your keyboard doesn't lock out that combination; try it on the numeric keypad instead.

Don't die the second time (d'oh!).

Exit battles on left to save time

Be more aggressive on the red and purple knights

Hit rocks from platform for green knight

Figure out better strategy for final boss.


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