The most Rimworld end to a most Rimworld game

Описание к видео The most Rimworld end to a most Rimworld game

It's beginning to look a lot like Randy
Randomness everywhere you go
Take a bullet, five or ten
Blood glistening once again
With lasers and fire aglow

It's beginning to look a lot like Randy
Raids around the clock
But the worst sight to see
Is when a mechanoid hive come to knock

A pair of defenders with railguns that shoot
Is the wish of Brazio and Price
To just get off the rim
Is the hope of all who are nice
And gundozer can hardly wait to walk again

It's beginning to look a lot like Randy
Soon the ship will start
And the thing that will make it sing
Is when that chemfuel starts to ring
And send those raiders to hell!


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