SHUN SASAKI method of work 佐々木俊の工作法

Описание к видео SHUN SASAKI method of work 佐々木俊の工作法



强烈的色块拼接,不受束缚的造形表现,通过作品,我们所勾画的佐佐木俊就是一个生来反叛的涩谷小子的形象,经过半年的纪录片拍摄,我们又了解到了实际上佐佐木是一个 “不饮酒,不加班,健康第一” 的人,虽然一直被称作为天才设计师,真实的佐佐木又是一个怎样的工作状态呢,本纪录片将为你们展现出这个外形像成年旺仔一般的30岁大男孩的另一面。

With the intense color blocking and the unrestrained shape expression, we draw the image of Sasaki as a rebellious Shibuya boy through the work. However, after half a year of documentary shooting, we learned that Sasaki is a "no alcohol, no overtime, health first" person. Though he has always been called a genius designer, what is the real Sasaki like at work? This documentary will show you a different side of this 30-year-old designer.

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